Sunday, April 6, 2008

Week 10: Autonomy

Week 10: Autonomy

I remember one of the learners' needs I propose in my action research is learner autonomy. It is no doubt that Internet is an effective form of autonomous learning technique for vocational curriculum. However, the reality is not what has been expected. In my school, students are required to do an independent language learning portfolio (ILLP) which is worth 10% of their total grade. They need to do 7 pieces of learner diary to reflect what they have learnt through participating different activities. Before doing that, they fill out their own study plans which need to be submitted to teachers for comments. Supposedly, teachers are needed to give advice on the study plan according to their needs. After years of implementation, it is found that no matter whatever comments are given on their study plans, students will only turn in tonnes of newspaper cuttings only. Even though they are encouraged to use internet or technology in their ILLP, such as submit their recording on reading aloud newspaper, students prefer the 'old secondary school way'. At the end, teachers just give up and stop giving comments as they know it is useless. Students regard the ILLP as a torture and totally not helpful at all.

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