Sunday, April 6, 2008

Week 11: Introduction to LMS

Week 11: Introduction to LMS

WebCT, Blackboard and Desire2Learn are some examples of learning management system. LMS does give learners more flexibility and ways to take control in their learning process but there is no way it can take over the formal classroom teaching (some of students do suggest we should upload the handouts to webCT for their self learning and hence cut down the classroom contact hours. What a stupid and wrong say!)

In terms of suitability, my students seldom use webCT unless the tasks there are counted as part of the module mark. One of the courses I'm teaching requires students to do 100 MC questions in webCT which is counted as 5% of their module mark. Surprisingly, the feedback received is students prefer having hardcopy of the MC questions rather than doing online. They think logging into webCT is not very user-friendly (even though it's just one-click!). I can't figure out why as I always think kids always prefer technology. I wonder if it's related to learners' obstacle, or the school hasn't done enough in promoting the use of webCT?

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